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      Product Features of Blast Furnace/Coke Oven Gas Boiler

      High boiler thermal efficiency: the use of double swirl burners, the furnace in the combustion area is equipped with a fire belt, which ensures a high temperature in the combustion area, and the furnace cavity is fully sealed, so that the thermal efficiency of the boiler exceeds 88%;
      Simplified burner, smoke and air system layout: the self-developed double swirl blast furnace dry gas burner is adopted, front wall layout (75t/h-180t/h) and front and rear wall hedging layout (above 220t/h), single combustion The capacity of the boiler reaches 2.5×10Nm³/h, which effectively simplifies the layout of the boiler system, facilitates operation and maintenance, reduces the number of external supporting equipment, and reduces the total cost of the boiler island;
      Stable combustion under low load: using high-efficiency blast furnace gas burner and setting a reasonable sanitation zone, it is possible to burn pure blast furnace gas under low load, as low as 25%, and can be mixed with other fuels: blast furnace gas boiler can be mixed with coke Furnace gas, converter gas, natural gas and heavy oil fuel;
      The layout of the heating surface is reasonable: for example, the evaporative convection heating surface should be painted in an appropriate position to reduce the boiling degree of the economizer outlet. The economizer adopts spiral finned tube, which can increase the maintenance space.
      2022/01/19 09:41:18 302

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